Monday, February 27, 2017

Solar Energy is the Cooler Energy

In my fuel class we talked about how the CO2 level is rising out of balance and certain thing humans are doing to pollute the earth and how these pollutants effect it. We read a book called raising elijah which talked about a mother and her discovers of dangerous chemicals. For this AP we created a video to present to companies persuading them to switch to clean energy. Un fortunately the program used to record does not work on my computer so the slideshow is all I have.

It is the ID

Who Am I can't really be explained in words. This class can't be put into words or summarized by any means. We covered everything from the great Greek philosophers to what we doubt and why. So for this AP we studied dreams and how Freud says this releases your sub-conscious to tell us what we are really thinking. So what better way to symbolize finding your dreams and deciphering them than making a dream catcher. We studied the Indians that used dream catchers and how they thought of certain thing contained in dream catchers. Also how every detail and piece symbolizes something.

LM. (2017) dreamcatcher.
I re-did this dream catcher at least five times to get it absolutely perfect and symmetrical because to me this symbolize how I want things to line up perfectly and be right on mark. This would relate to my building and wood working skills. How if anything is just a millimeter off would mean catastrophe. I could not stand it when things were not even. This could mean a number of things my ID is trying to release to tell me.

The outside had a brown leather strip wrapping around the ring because this reminded off when I lived out in the country with the cowboy shows and cows. Plus this brown went good with the blue.

I picked this blue because not only was it my favorite color it also symbolizes the blue starry night of the country sky. Which complements the brown leather symbol.

In the center I put a nut to show my building side. This was also to symbolize a object in which good dreams would flow through easily. Along with having a good weight to help stabilize the string.

LM. (2017) dreamcatcher.
On the bottom I put blue leather to match the blue in the center, but with something a bit stronger. For me this symbolizes the strong heart I have deep down. On this blue leather I have wooden beads to gain complement the building side. These beads are matched in a pattern because I wanted to show order I have somewhere inside me.

Lastly I wrapped the thinnest string I could fin to show how my life hangs on by a thread and put a simple knot to show that everything can come crashing down any moment.

I hope that all of the symmetry I put in will block the super ego from my dreams. Because in my dreams no-one is there to judge me. I hope blocking out the super ego will lead to dreams where it becomes simple to see what my ID or sub-conscious is trying to tell me.

I personally have lucid dreams almost every night so having a dream where I can see what my Sub conscious or ID is saying would mean a bit more to me because after having lucid dreams for so long it becomes boring and hard to enjoy when you know its not real. So maybe my Ignorance will come fourth so I don't know when I'm dreaming.

I do not thing Freud would exactly agree with the idea of a dream catcher because it does not really show you sub-conscious with the symbolism. Although he would agree with the idea of remembering dreams because this he says will be the true in sub-conscious. So in some since this would be the best and worst thing for Freud.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Its Not Cool To Use Coal

This is my Fuel course at GCE Lab School. In this course we research non-renewable resources and how this is currently affecting us everyday. We also talk about renewable resources and how we can use those more often. For this Action Project I got to pick one non-renewable resource and research about it, then created a slideshow about this resource and how it affects us everyday.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

My global peace channel

My Global Peace class studies multiple aspects of solving the world's problems. We've studied the words of Gandhi and other great peace leaders and take those words and compare them to violent and peaceful situations and see what is what.  In this action project we had to fast our own protest. That includes the advertising, planning, leading, etc. People need a person to light the fire beneath them and show them to stand up and fight for justice and equality. My project was to use technology to spread awareness and light that fire so people can stand up and fight. I think that maybe if it's coming from a person who is going to be the next generation of leaders that maybe people may pay attention knowing that a lot of problems now lay on our shoulders. I am creating a video channel and will post videos on different problems. They will include facts and what the current situation is and how we can change a issue into a solution. In gandhi's words this would be seredova because I will be spreading information to rise everyone else.

Intro from Lucas M on Vimeo.

I am addressing Capitalism. Capitalism is structural violence because when the corporate owners take from us, it can physically hurt us. Us as in the people who rely on the corporates to give us medicine and food because they make it. So why should we rely on them so much while they have turned their backs on us all the time.

I think my main goal is to create munity by lighting the fire benight people and showing them how to rise up and fight. This may be against what most leaders are against but I think at this point we are so far past peaceful because nothing is getting better. Its making our voice be heard and show our feelings.

The fight between most workers and CEO’s are the same. The CEO gets paid tod much, and the workers who are the heart of the company get paid next to nothing. The workers just want fair pay and maybe some health benefits and to just be treated like humans

In a iceberg model, I put the main problem of capitalism,but thats such a huge word so I broke it down to poverty. The underlying problems included greed, freedom to do whatever, exemption from most laws, throws off cycle of money so easily, “The American Dream”. Those are just ones that popped into my head, but there's so many more reasons.

The workers would be at Awareness because the workers know what’s going on and demand equality.  The CEO’s are between Dehumanization and restriction because I think the CEO’s think that the workers are not as smart as them or thinks less of them for whatever reason.

One group I can think that would be closer to how I think would be the Anonymous group of hackers. I think that their goal towards taking down the smoke and mirrors by government. I think the same way but not only with the government but also with the corporates. The only problem with this is that Anonymous is not a offical group with a hierarchy so it’s really unclear what they do or do not stand for. Although some of the veteran hackers of anonymous say that they do not support terror or animal abuse. Their was a huge case in Steuben, Ohio where two football student drugged and raped a woman. Then these boys went to boast about it on twitter and took pictures. When the police got involved the boys deleted everything and hide all evidence. So when the police tried to prosecute the boys said it never happened and the girl was making it up. That's when veteran Anonymous member Deric Lostutter took charge and hacked into the boys cell phone and twitter to uncover all the files. In the end the boys were prosecuted, but in the process the FBI found Deric and raided his house. He faces more jail time than the two boys.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Whats Warframe

Warframe is a game that can't quite be classified into one sector of gaming. Whilst it some can call it a MMO (massive multiplayer online) or a RPG (role playing game), but some call it a Indie game because it started off with costumer based funding though in game purchases before moving to corporate aid from Microsoft and Sony. Nevertheless Warframe continues to to be free to purchase and has claimed the love of many gamers.
(Warframe, May 12 2015, Rob Obsidian, Pixabay)

Warframe will always have a special place in all of its players and If anyone ever asked me what game I love most it will always be Warframe.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I Am Malala

This is a intro putting in at a later date so I don't remember that much about the class. What I can tell you is this was in my MDG's class where we talk about Millennium Development Goals, And SDG's which stood for Sustainable Development Goal's. I Am Malala was a perfect fit because it follows the life of a girl struggling against the problems in her country. This is a short presentation on what the book is about.